©2018 by Bulkovitch Law LLC. None of this website or its content may be duplicated or used without the written authorized permission from Bulkovitch Law, LLC.
This website and its contents may be considered to be legal advertising. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to be legal advice. The use of this website does not create the existence of an attorney-client relationship between Bulkovitch Law, LLC, it's attorneys and/or employees and the individual or entity using said information or this website. Any mention of past results in cases handled by this office is not representative of future results in any given case. Each case is very fact specific and Bulkovitch Law, LLC does not guarantee the outcome in any case.
Counties in Connecticut Served:
Areas served in Connecticut, include the following counties: Hartford, Middlesex, New Haven, New London, Tolland and Windham.
Privacy Policy
Bulkovitch Law needs to collect certain information in order to serve clients. However, the information we receive is held in strict confidence. This information is not released to people or entities outside of the firm, unless as agreed to by you, it is necessary in order to complete the services you have requested of us or as required under applicable law. Your email addresses you provide are never sold to outside entities. We may contact you at the end of our representation to request your feedback because we strive to provide excellent service.
The use of this website or this website's contact form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not create the existence of an attorney-client relationship between Bulkovitch Law, LLC and the individual or entity providing said information.
Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form or by email. If you need to share confidential or time-sensitive information, please call us at 860-295-1600.
Outside Websites' Privacy
Note that Bulkovitch Law's website may provide links to other websites. Each of these other websites has their own privacy policies. We encourage our users who leave our site to read and review the privacy policies of these other websites. Bulkovitch Law is not responsible for how other websites may collect and use the potentially private information they may collect. These other sites should be used at your own risk.